Modular Sail-Training & Building-miles (Non RYA)

Whatever your objectives & your initial technical level, we offer
you the best curriculum adapted to your needs.
Our modular pedagogy will give you the keys, to understand & communicate
in English maritime, in order to be autonomous on all oceans, to deal with most situations encountered at sea.

As part of our sail-training courses, you will understand the whole
practical & theoretical techniques necessary & sufficient to
the mastery of the sailboat, using a modular pedagogy,
combining the roles & levels of the participants on board.
Approach that will apply to types of navigation
and the variety of technical basins, discussed
during the courses & building-miles.

Modular "Sail-Training" course & tidal building-miles :
In order to best adapt to your needs, we together carry out an interactive capacity assessment at each internship specific modules in order to meet your expectations and ensure you a rapid progression.
No level of progession like initiation/perfectionnement... But an evaluative items of progession at the end of each course, like an evolutive "photography" from your profil (acquired/ to consolidate/ to see) in 3 specifics modules (Manœuvres/ Navigation-weather/ Safety) according to your duties on board (crew/ Skipper), types of specific navigation (coastal/ off-shore), types of weather condition meeting and finally the technical area approached.
A set of parameters allowing you to situate yourself that include the necessary & sufficient acquisitions to become autonomous at sea.
- Coastal & Off-shore basin in Channel & Irish sea at start of St-Malo & Roscoff.
- Coastal & Off-shore basin in Spanish Galicia at start of Vigo-Baiona & La Coruna
- Océan basin in Transatlantic at start of Vigo, Punta delgada, Funchal, Tenerife, Mindelo, Caribe...
Sharing & private formule internship :
We offer to you the opportunity to choice beetwen 2 formules: Sharing or private internship
Follow-us in real time with our AIS Tx/Rx :
Enter the name of the boat: "Maitai" & follow the instructions from marine traffic.